Parkinsonia praecox 'AZT' |
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Sonoran Palo Verde, 'AZT' |
This semievergreen tree grows at a moderate to fast rate to 30' x 30'. It has beautiful dark-blue green leaves and an attractive multi-trunked shape. Yellow, funnel-shaped petals appear in spring and are followed by a few light tan pods. Accepts full sun. Can be weaned off of supplemental irrigation once it reaches desired size. Lush appearance makes it a highly adaptable tree for patios, walkways and for shade. Small thorns do not seem to be a problem. - Arid Zone Trees
Plant Type
Height Range
Flower Color
Flower Season
Leaf Color
Blue Green
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Different areas of your landscape have different water requirements.
Shrubs need much less water than lawns and drip systems should never be scheduled on the same program with lawns.
Establish separate watering schedules for those areas.