Yucca rupicola
Twisted Leaf Yucca
Ideal yucca for small spaces. Petite and stemless it forms clump 2' x 3'. Contorted bright green leavs twist and turn. In the summer, spikes of creamy white flowers appear on 5' stalks. Accepts full sun to part shade. Needs well drained soil. Native to central Texas.
Full, Half
Very Low, Low, Extra in Summer
Growth Rate
Soil Type
Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular
Soil Condition
Average, Poor, Well-drained
Soil pH
Neutral, Basic
Adverse Factors
Even during our hottest months we don't need to water daily.
Give your plants a chance to breathe.
Water late at night or in the early morning hours to avoid losses to wind and evaporation.