Lotus rigidus |
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Rock Pea |
Rock pea is a durable perennial that grows to about 1 1/2' x 2'. Yellow and orange pea-shaped flowers appear from February through May. This plant can tolerate full sun, reflected heat, drought, and poor soils as long as they are well drained. Numerous stems branch from a woody base. It is drought deciduous and can get leggy with too much water. Good to cut to ground to rejuvenate. Rock pea is native to Arizona, southern Utah and Nevada, California, and into northwestern Mexico.
Plant Type
Height Range
Flower Color
Orange, Yellow
Flower Season
Leaf Color
Green, Dark Green
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Different areas of your landscape have different water requirements.
Shrubs need much less water than lawns and drip systems should never be scheduled on the same program with lawns.
Establish separate watering schedules for those areas.