Common name:Texas Mountain Laurel
Botanical name:Sophora secundiflora
Large evergreen shrub or small tree grows slowly to 8' x 6'. Dense glossy foliage. Large purple clusters of wisteria like flowers appear in spring and smell like grape bubblebum. Light tan pods follow blooms and contain bright red seeds. Seeds are poisonous but extremely hard. Thornless & drops very little leaf litter. Susc. to caterpillars. Lush looking. Native to Chihuahuan Desert.
Common name:Beaver-Tail Prickly Pear
Botanical name:Opuntia basilaris
Low, spreading cactus grows at a moderate rate to 1' x 3'. Pads are blue-gray with small brown spines. Flowers are magenta to pink and appear in the spring. This cactus offers vibrant spring color to your yard. Accepts reflected sun. Native to the Sonoran and Mojave deserts.
Common name:Donkey Tail Euphorbia
Botanical name:Euphorbia myrsinites
This hardy perennial grows 4-6" and has blue glaucous leaves that are stiff and round, set closely to the stem. Flattish clusters of chartreuse to yellow flowers bloom between late winter and early spring.
Common name:Mexican Bird Of Paradise
Botanical name:Caesalpinia mexicana
Shrub or small tree grows to 10' x 8' yellow flowers in 3-6" long racemes. Ferny dark green foliage and spectacular yellow flowers form spikes at the tips of branches. Native of Mexico. No thorns. Moderate to fast grower. Attracts hummingbirds.
Designer: n/a | LC Gardens General 33 |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Even during our hottest months we don't need to water daily.
Give your plants a chance to breathe.
Water late at night or in the early morning hours to avoid losses to wind and evaporation.
Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.