LC Gardens General 28
Desert Willow
Cow Tongue Prickly Pear
Mexican Bird Of Paradise
Desert Willow

Common name:Desert Willow
Botanical name:Chilopsis linearis

This winter decidous tree grows to be 25' x 20'. Great small tree, develops shaggy bark and twisting trunks with age. The trumpet-shaped flowers appear spring through fall. Flowers attract hummingbirds while seed pods attract other native birds. Native to the southwest U.S and Mexico.

Cow Tongue Prickly Pear

Common name:Cow Tongue Prickly Pear
Botanical name:Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri

The pads on this variety are elongated and resemble a tongue. More tolerant of moderate shade than many cacti, but provide good drainage. Old plants sprawl and become large. Beautiful yellow to orange flowers in the spring. Subject to cochineal scale infestations. Prevent by washing off frequently with strong jets of water.

Mexican Bird Of Paradise

Common name:Mexican Bird Of Paradise
Botanical name:Caesalpinia mexicana

Shrub or small tree grows to 10' x 8' yellow flowers in 3-6" long racemes. Ferny dark green foliage and spectacular yellow flowers form spikes at the tips of branches. Native of Mexico. No thorns. Moderate to fast grower. Attracts hummingbirds.

Designer: n/a

LC Gardens General 28

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Water Saving Tip:

Even during our hottest months we don't need to water daily.

Give your plants a chance to breathe.

Water late at night or in the early morning hours to avoid losses to wind and evaporation.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.