El Paso Desert Botantical Gardens 33
Sand Sage
Sprawling Prickly Pear
Sand Sage

Common name:Sand Sage
Botanical name:Artemisia filifolia

Provides softness and movement in the landscape. Fragrant, threadlike leaves and stems, airy evergreen shrub is covered wiht white hairs giving it a silvery cast. Flowers inconspicuous. Fast to 3' tall and wide. Native to western plans and southwest. Grows in rocky or sandy soils 1-8000'. Full sun and well drained soils. Will tolerate sandy and clay soils.

Sprawling Prickly Pear

Common name:Sprawling Prickly Pear
Botanical name:Opuntia phaeacantha

This attractive cactus grows slowly to 3' x 3'. It has sage-green pads and yellow-orange flowers that bloom in summer. It is extremely drought tolerant. Accepts full sun to partial shade. Needs good drainage.


Common name:Coyotebush
Botanical name:Baccharis sarothroides

3-9' tall rapid grower Rounded evergreen with branches resembling broom straw. Tolerant of sun and heat. Female plants may produce invasive seedlings. Very drought tolerant and hardy to 10F.

Designer: El Paso Desert Botantical Gard

El Paso Desert Botantical Gardens 33

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Water Saving Tip:

Remember to check your irrigation system at least once a month, especially your valves, sprinkler heads, and drip emitters.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.