
Container Plants

Adagio Eulalia Grass

Adam's Needle

Agave of Oaxaca

Alligator Bark Juniper

Aloe Vera or Medicinal Aloe

Angelita Daisy

Annual African Daisy, Cape Marigold

Annual Blanket flower selection

Arizona Agave

Arizona Blue Eyes

Arizona Yellow Bells

Artichoke Agave

Autumn Sage

Autumn Sage Furman's Red

Autumn Sage Sierra Linda

Bailey's Yucca

Baja Senna

Bamboo Muhly

Bat Face Cuphea

Bear Grass

Bear Grass

Beaver-Tail Prickly Pear

Bell Flower Hesperaloe

Bi-colored Hesperaloe

Big Blue Stem

Blackfoot Daisy

Blue Aloe

Blue Elf Aloe

Blue Euphorbia

Blue Fescue

Blue Flax

Blue Mist Spirea

Blue Point Columnar Juniper


Bougainvillea, Barbara Karst

Bougainvillea, California Gold

Bush Cinquefoil

Bush Morning Glory, Silverbush

California Poppy, Golden Poppy

Camara Lantana


Cape Aloe, Tree Aloe

Capital Columnar Callery Pear

Cardinal Beardtongue

Cardon Grande


Center Band Agave

Century Plant

Century Plant, Maguey

Century Plant, Utah Agave

Chahuiqui Agave

Chinese Wisteria

Christine Lantana

Claret Cup, Hedgehog Cactus

Cliff Agave

Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower

Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower

Color Guard Adam's Needle

Common Garden Canna

Common Verbena

Coronation Gold Hybrid Yarrow

Cow's Horn Agave

Daylilly Hybrids

Desert Century Plant

Desert Senna

Desert Spoon

Desert Thorn

Donkey Tail Euphorbia

Drummond's Skullcap

Durango Delight Agave

Dusty Miller, Silver Groundsel

Dwarf Basket of Gold, Golden-Tuft

Dwarf Basket-of-Gold

Dwarf Fountain Grass

Dwarf Myrtle

Dwarf Orange Bulbine

Dwarf Pomegranate

Elephant's Food

English Lavender

Eremophila Winter Gold

Espadin Agave

European or Mediterranean Fan Palm

Faxon or Giant Dagger Yucca

Fiber Thread Agave, Thread-leaf Aga

Fish Hook Barrel Cactus

Funny Bunny

Gazania, Treasure Flower

Germander Sage

Giant Hesperaloe

Glossy Abelia

Gold Mound Lantana

Gold Spot Euonymus

Golden Barrel Cactus

Golden Columbine

Golden Torch Cactus

Golden-Flowered Agave

Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender

Gray Ice Plant

Green Desert Spoon

Green Desert Spoon or Sotol

Green-Tip Scarlets

Ground Cover Rose selections

Hairy Jaws Agave

Harriman's Yucca

Havard Agave

Heavenly Bamboo

Heavenly Bamboo Compact

Heavenly Bamboo Dwarf Compact

Heavenly Bamboo harbour Dwarf

Hen And Chickens

Hesperaloe Yellow

Huachuca Agave

Improved Lantana

Indian Blanketflower

Indian Hawthorn

Ivory Towers Needle

Jamaica White Bougainvillea

Japanese Aucuba

Japanese Black Pine

Jimson Weed,

Jimson Weed, Sacred Datura, Jerusal

Jumping Cactus, Chainfruit Cholla

Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass

Katie Ruellia

La Jolla Bougainvillea

Lamb's Ears

Large-spine Agave

Leather-Leaf Acacia


Lion's Tail, Lion's-Ear

Little Beardtongue


Marginata Agave

Marjorie Channon' Pittisporum

Massawana Aloe

Medio Picta Century Plant

Mescal Ceniza

Mescal pelon

Mexican Evening Primrose

Mexican Fan Palm

Mexican Fence Post Cactus

Mexican Fencepost

Mexican Gold Poppy

Mexican Honeysuckle

Mexican or Texas Needle Grass

Mexican Ruellia

Mexican Tarragon, Mexican Marigold

Mexican Tree Ocotillo or Coach Whip

Mojave Lupine

Morning Light Coast Rosemary

Moss Verbena Edith

Mountain Agave

Mountain Flame Desert Honeysuckle

Murphy's Agave

Myrtle, True

Nevada Agave, Clark Mountain Agave

New Mexico Agave, Mescal

Night-blooming Hesperaloe


Octopus Agave


Our Lord's Candle

Paleleaf Yucca

Palmer's Agave

Pampas Grass

Paper Spine Cactus

Parry's Agave

Parry's Penstemon

Partridge Breast Aloe

Pearl Bluebush

Perennial Blanket Flower

Peruvian-Apple Cactus, Pitaya

Pineapple Guava, Feijoa

Pink Dwarf Ruellia

Pink Gaura


Pork And Beans

Powis Castle Artemisia

Prairie Zinnia

Prostrate Juniper

Provence Blue Lavandin

Purple Fountain Grass

Purple Ice Plant

Purple Prickly Pear

Queen Victoria Agave


Radiation Lantana

Rain Lily

Rain Lily Prairie Sunset

Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster

Red Emu Bush

Red Eremophila

Red Yucca

Rock Pea

Rocky Point Ice Plant

Rose Of Sharon, Shrub Althaea


Rosemary Collingwood Ingram

Rosemary Huntington Carpet

Rosemary Tuscan Blue

Rough-Leafed Agave

Sage Texas Violet

Sago palm

Semi-Trailing Yellow Gazania



Shasta Daisy

Shaw's Agave

Slipper Flower

Small Soapweed

Smooth Agave

Soap Aloe

Society Garlic

Southwestern Cosmos

Spanish Bayonet

Spanish Dagger

Spanish Dagger, Palma Pita

Spider Agave

Spineless Yucca

Stout Tooth Agave

Strawberry Tree

Summer Coreopsis


Thompson Yucca

Thurber's Cotton, Desert Cotton

Tiger Tongue


Totem-pole Cactus

Trailing Gazania

Trailing Lantana

Trailing Lantana

Trailing Rosemary

Trailing White Gazania

Trailing Yellow Lantana

Trident Sage

Trident, Carl Nielson Sage

Twin-Flowered Agave

Twisted Leaf Yucca

Twisted Myrtle

Variegated Common Myrtle


Waxleaf Privet

Weber's Agave

Whale's Tongue Agave

Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum

Whirling Butterflies White Gaura

White Ball Acacia

White Dwarf Ruellia

White Trailing Lantana

Windmill Palm

Wright's Penstemon

Yellow Bahia

Yellow Bells

Yellow Bulbine

Yellow Bunny Ears, Goldplush Cactus

Yellow Margin Century Plant